Art Addiction Prevention


Use art like bank

Art Addiction
If buying and collecting art becomes a compulsion.
Buying and collecting art can be addicting, so you should always act responsibly.
Customer protection is a particularly complex at the TAURUS-GROUP.
It begins with the selection of the offered works of art and leads through the offered sales strategies to the safe and responsible handling of the art business.
In order to be able to prove the authenticity of each individual work of art at any time, we operate intensive art protection.
Each work of art is coded with special high-tech and registered in the Worldartregister.
It is thus possible to make all processes traceable and transparent.
Every work of art offered by the TAURUS-Group can be clearly identified at any time and ownership can be proven beyond doubt.
This also makes buying art from members of the World Art Register particularly safe and serious, because it is in fact impossible to be cheated by falling for a fake.
This guarantees the best conditions for a positive performance at all times.
For many art collectors, buying and collecting art is a harmless leisure activity, a hobby, a passion.
So that this passion does not create suffering, the Worldartregsiter addresses the taboo "art addiction" as the world's first art protection organization on its website.
Because for some people, their passion becomes bitterly serious: They become dependent on collecting art and / or engage in the art trade in a similar way to gambling.

That can happen - especially motivated by the exorbitantly high chances of winning!

Because if you invest in art values far beyond your means, you can even ruin yourself and your family with it.
This can be a treacherous combination of buying, collecting and gambling addiction (for example when participating in auctions).

To prevent this from happening:
  • Check your buying and collecting behavior in order to prevent any buying and collecting addiction in good time.
  • Only buy for amounts that you have previously earmarked for your leisure and entertainment.
  • For example, if you buy at an auction, place one beforehand Set the upper limit for the amounts you want to wager.
  • This should be in reasonable proportion to your income and your planned spending on leisure and recreation.
  • If you do not buy art because you enjoy the art as such, but only to make a profit by reselling it after the maturity period, then don't chase lost money by taking higher risks just to make up for previous losses.
  • Don't buy art when you are extremely stressed, depressed or otherwise heavily burdened.
  • Chance cannot be defeated!
  • Therefore do not speculate with art in a way similar to gambling.
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